In the story of the Lunar Zodiac, the Jade Emperor held a race. The first 12 animals to complete the race would be immortalized in the stars as his guards.
The dragon, renowned for his generosity, was delayed while putting out a fire in a farmer's field and assisting a struggling rabbit across the river to safety. This act of kindness deeply moved the Emperor, who then bestowed the dragon with the honor of becoming the fifth animal in the zodiac.
The dragon's legendary reputation for being a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune has been celebrated across cultures for centuries. In Chinese astrology, the year of the dragon is believed to bring an abundance of luck, happiness, and prosperity. It is considered the most auspicious year of the zodiac, and people born in this year are believed to share the dragon's traits of independence, leadership, and fearlessness.
As we enter the year of the dragon, let us embrace its positive energy and strive to embody its noble qualities. Let us be generous, brave, and compassionate like the dragon, and seek to make a positive impact in our communities. May this year bring us all good luck, good health, and good fortune.
I hope this year brings you many blessings <3